Mid-Week Bible Talk – What a Thought!‏

You know, per the Word, we are all ministers of the Word.  Our lifestyle should be our greatest sermon.

What if we all lived by the words below???
“Father, in the Name of Jesus, I see from Your Word that You were willing to give of Yourself, in the person of Your Son, for all men/women. I understand that because Jesus is Lord of my life, I too, am called to give myself to others. I choose to accept that calling today, and be an example of Jesus Christ”. I’ll give of my time. I’ll give of Your love in me. I’ll be strong and lift up those who are weak. In Mind, Soul, and Spirit. I’m willing to be available to be used of You so that those around me might experience the abundant life You have provided”.God, I will let no corrupt word proceed out of my mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.You have loved me, Lord, with the greatest love there is. I count it a privilege now to share that love with others.I thank You for this blessing in Jesus Name,


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