Mid-Week Bible Talk: Shhh, God is Talking  

How are you doing this morning? It’s a wonderful day to be a child of God.  

Have you ever found yourself surrounded by people who never stopped talking? Every time you see them they’re always talking about something or someone. Never stopping to take a break. Never stopping to listen. Always has to dominate the conversation.

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a noisy place? It appeared as if everyone was talking at the same time, with the same sound level. At times you found it difficult to hear yourself talking or even thinking.

So often in our lives, we find ourselves around people or in places that cause us to miss out on many things. Since everywhere and everyone is loud, many times you miss people calling your name or exiting a building. Isn’t it amazing how your environment can get inside of you. Since everything and everyone is often loud, you now find yourself yelling in quiet places.

This morning, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you.  So many times in life, we have missed the voice of God because we expected Him to sound a certain way or come at a certain time. We are taught that God will yell when He wants your attention.

While some may know this to be true, God more often will speak with a quiet voice…almost like a whisper. Only those who have a relationship with Him can hear it and recognize Him. When you are always talking, you can easily miss what the Lord is saying.

For that, my friend, I have been sent to tell you something. Shhh, God Is Talking To You! The Bible declares in James 1:1-19 – Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.

Allow me to ask you a question. If you are always talking, when do you have time to listen? You must be careful. Do not become as the Pharisees. They were known as a people who talked a lot but was saying nothing. (Matthew 6) There are times when God will have you remain quiet even when you feel assaulted or under attack.

My bother, my sister, is God talking to you this morning? Is He trying to tell you something? Can you hear His voice clearly or do you need to cease from talking?  It is imperative that we, as the children of God, find ourselves listening for the voice of our Father. It is through the voice of god that we are able to withstand the attacks of the enemy. It is through the voice of God that we are able to discern good from evil.

The Bible declares in John 10:27 – My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. Shhh…God Is Talking To You!

Beloved, just because the people around you are always talking, does not mean you have to follow suit. Learn how to speak after God has spoken. Even in your prayer time, before you close your prayers, leave time for god to speak and give instructions.

For more information, I would like to give you three major ways God speaks to His people.

  1. Through His Work
  2. Through prayer
  3. Through His people

There are other ways, but these ways are most common.

Prayer for Today: Father, help me hear You more clearly, know You more clearly, and feel You more nearly.

In Jesus name…Amen!

Sister Rita



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