Message to the Overcomer: The Kingdom of God

“…for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:17 (NKJ)

To really understand this portion of scripture, we will need to know what the “kingdom of God” means. A kingdom is the realm (domain) where a monarch (king) reigns. It is the people a monarch rules over, and the time, actual reign of the monarch. In this case the Monarch is God. 1 Timothy 6:15: “…God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords…”

So, we see God is the King and we, the people, live in His kingdom and His rule (authority) is forever. Now, all people are in God’s kingdom, however not all will come under the authority and rule of the King of Kings. In a kingdom, the King has the right to control the lives of the people. What the King says is law. What the kings wants He gets or else. These are the condition of a king in the natural realm.

Our heavenly King is not legalistic, in that he does not make us obey. The King of Kings does not insist on our obedience; however there are consequences to our every action. The scriptures are full of “ifs. If you will then I will, and needless to say if we don’t there are consequences.

The Compact Bible Dictionary defines the Kingdom of God as follows: “The sovereign rule of God manifested in Christ to defeat His enemies, creating a people over whom He reigns, and issuing in a realm or realms in which the power of His reign is experienced.”

Romans 14:17 tells us “the kingdom of God is not meat or drink.” It does not consist of outward things. This section of scripture concerning the Kingdom of God starts off in verse 13 talking about the responsibilities of the Christian. We are not to judge (condemn) one another, do not be a stumbling block or cause a brother or sister to fall. It goes on to say, “if your brother or sister is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy someone for whom Christ died.” Romans 14:15 (NIV) Then verse 16 says, “You mustn’t let something that is all right for you look like an evil practice to somebody else.” (J.B. Phillips) The King James version says,” Let not your good be evil spoken of.”

So where are we going with this? The principle of the kingdom of God is not a matter of how we dress, eat, drink, or other externals. It is a matter of what is on the inside, righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Righteousness is the result of the atoning work of Jesus that satisfies the requirement (death) for sin and thus we are right with God. (Romans 8:3-5)

“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, Romans 5:1.” Peace is ours, therefore our responsibility is to enjoy peace and not allow externals to interrupt it. “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts,” Colossians 3:15. In the Kingdom of God, peace is a guide, leading you to the heart of the King. Peace is also the outworking (fruit) of the Holy Spirit. One writer says, “peace is an inner harmony”.

We start out being right with God which leads to having peace with God, which produces joy. Joy is an internal attribute which does not depend on outward expressions. The work of the Holy Spirit within us produces joy. Joy is part of the fruit of the spirit. Joy is a gift from God. Joy in the Kingdom of God represents the connection we have with the King. It represents the contentment and confidence we have in the King. We appreciate all the King does for us, we love the King and we trust that the King only wants what is best for us. When we trust the King in that way, righteousness, peace and joy abound.

Romans 14:18, “because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval.” We see three results relating back to verse 17, a servant of Christ, acceptable with God and approved of man.

Now we cannot forget, “In the Holy Ghost”. Unless we allow the Spirit of God to lead us, we will operate in the flesh, in externals. Externals lead us to be concerned with what we eat or drink; or we will have the attitude of it is all about me. So it would not matter if my actions are causing you to stumble. Righteousness, peace and joy are from God. When we are walking according to the Spirit, we glorify God and crucify the flesh.

The Kingdom of God is the place where God is in control and has full authority. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God is now (present), and the kingdom of God is to come (future) when Jesus will physically reign on earth.

Do not let your good cause your brother and sister to stumble. Submit to the King and enjoy the benefits of the Kingdom.

Pastor Rosita

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