Taking Up the Whole Armor of God

The Armor Series, Part 1

The Belt of Truth – Ephesians 6:14

The first piece of armor Paul mentions in Ephesians 6:14 is “the belt of truth” (New International Version). Why begin talking about…a belt?  Why, of all things, a belt? He could have started with the mighty sword of the Spirit, the towering shield of faith, the shining breastplate of righteousness—anything but some measly old belt. But he didn’t. Why?

What purpose did the belt serve for a Roman soldier?

The belt—known as the cingulum or balteus—played a crucial role in the effectiveness of a soldier’s armor.  It was the belt that held the scabbard, without, which there would be no place to put a sword.  In addition, the Nelson Study Bible says from the belt “hung strips of leather to protect the lower body.” The Matthew Henry Commentary says the belt “girds on [secures] all the other pieces of our armor.” Truth should cleave to us as a belt cleaves to our body.

What purpose does the belt of truth serve for us?

 What does truth have to do with a belt?  As Christians, we are to test all things and then hold onto only that which is good—the truth—discarding all elseTest all things; hold fast to what is good.  (1 Thessalonians 5:21)  Let not mercy and truth forsake you, bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man. (Proverbs 3:3-4)  If we are not convinced that our principles and beliefs are without exception, 100 percent true, how can we expect to accomplish anything?  (Ephesians 4:14, James 1:16)

A belt encompasses the waist

Does our conviction to the truth encompass us?  As the above scripture notes, we should bind truth around us and write it on our hearts—our conviction must reach beyond an outward show. The belt used in Roman armor, as we have learned, provided a place for the soldier’s sword.

Our sword—the sword of the Spirit—likewise needs a sheath. Truth is the sheath and vital because, like a Roman soldier’s belt, it allows us to carry the sword of the Spirit and use it effectively.  If we do not know the truth of God’s Word, if the word is not in us, we are in affect missing a piece of armor, the sword of the Spirit.

What are the dangers of not wearing the belt?

The world we live in teaches that truth is what we make it—that good and bad is relative and that there are no absolutes, only equally valid opinions. But the Bible teaches that truth is God’s Word—that good and bad are defined by Him.

Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

Imagine a belt with a segment missing. No matter how tiny the sliver that isn’t there, the belt is still useless. To do its job, it must be one continuous, unbroken piece.  Our trust in God and His Word must be solid, without break, or else we will quickly find ourselves without a weapon.

Recently, I listened to the ramblings of a young man speaking about God and the bible.  He did not believe in the virgin birth; he believed that Moses and Jesus were brothers; and he believed that he was the first born of God.  Obviously he is deluded in his understanding of the bible.  He knew the words (logo) of the bible, and bible stories, but he did not receive the spirit, the life (Rhema), the truth of the word.  The belt of truth for him is not functional it is broken.  2 Thessalonians 2:10-11, “…since they refuse to trust truth, they’re banished to their chosen world of lies and illusions.”  (MSG)  When looking at that young man I could tell he was not in his right mind, he was living in a world of delusion.

The truth of God’s Word is the foundation of the Christian.  Your foundation determines your growth.  In the natural, the taller the building the deeper the foundation must be.  The foundation provides the support needed.  The truth of God’s Word is the foundation we as Christians must have if we are to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God.  The belt of truth is your foundation.  The belt of truth supports the rest of the armor.

No matter how effective the rest of our armor is, we are useless without our belt.  We need to rightly divide the word of truth—knowing what we believe, and why.

So – how secure is your belt?

There is a message to the overcomer,

Rev. Rosita Dozier

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