A Message To The Overcomer

God You Said …

“…be not conformed to this world: but ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God”.  Romans 12:2 KJV

So many Christians are searching for meaning, for purpose in life.  They diligently seek the will of God.  However, most are looking in all the wrong places.  Places like work, personal relationships and even in church.  Why do we look to the world and its systems to validate us?  As Christians, validation comes only from God, our Father in heaven.

Transformation leads to knowing who you are in Christ Jesus.  Renewing the mind, changing from carnal (worldly) thinking to spiritual (Godly) thinking is a process; a process that leads to a closer relationship with God.  As we develop our relationship with our heavenly father, we then hear him clearer, we follow Him more closely and eventually we find ourselves smack dab in the perfect will of God.  Why?  How?  We are no longer focusing on ourselves but on God and His desires for us.  Our focus determines our direction in life.  As we move in that direction we realize we are in His will.

Renewing the mind is only possible after presenting your body, your life, as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service, Romans 12:1.  Again, our focus has to change from self to God.  It is about what God desires, not what self wants.  A sacrifice requires giving the best of who you are.  Sacrifice your best and get God’s best.  However God finds you, whether riding high on cloud nine or barely hanging on to life; He requires us to offer ourselves (body) as a sacrifice.  So, renew your mind that you may prove (for yourself) what God’s will is for you.

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.” Romans 12:1  The Message Bible

Pastor Rosita Dozier




One Comment:

  1. Many will find it hard to follow Jesus Christ, because they are not willing to give their life over to an unseen God. They find it easier to live in the world because they se the world as the only thing that is material to them. They do not read their Bibles daily, and many do not know what church is, they have never been inside one, yes they have heard of Jesus but since no one was there to teach them about Jesus and why He came to earth. They are left living in the world.
    Jesus has given us a commandment to Go and tell ever soul, about that we come across about Him. It is not for us to know whether that person will come to Jesus and seek Him out as their Lord and Savior, this is for God the Father and Jesus the Son to know. We are to follow the commandment left for us ,and tell everyone that we come across about Jesus, His life, Death, and Resurrection, what it means to us as individuals. Once this is done we will see a new heaven coming down from the clouds. For this is what Jesus has promised us who believe.
    Evangelist Steele

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